Wednesday 28 May 2014

Examination for sem3 over :)

Hye you all ....

Alhamdulillah, final examination sem 3 is over.. Fuhhh... I feel so happy. ouh, seriously I feel so stress during examination week. So when it is over, I feel like want to shout and screammmmmm..., HAHAHAHA. I just seat only 2 paper, but for me it is totally hard for me, because got a lot of things that I must read and memories . Sometimes I want to lari dari semua ni. Yess.. Now I know study is not easy. *Sekolah tu lebih senang dari UNI. So if we need something we dreams for future, this what we must go through like perbahasa, "BERSUSAH-SUSAH DAHULU, BESENANG-SENAG KEMUDIAN'' yess!!! I will take note that.  I won't give up. I want to be success like everyone, like my parents, my uncle and aunts. So InsyaAllah my result will be okay. I will try and try until I achieve my own goal in my life . Pray for me. AMIN :)

Thanks you all..

Sunday 18 May 2014

Malam Anugerah Kurshiah :)

Hye you all....

Hello, hello, hello..... kikiki. Tonight is Malam Anugerah Kurshiah.. It's just annual dinner from my college.Seriously, best sangat. because of what you know?? because of i can eat a lot. hahaha. So funny. Okay!!! I enjoy the dinner.. Btw malam ni punye dinner pun ade tema okay.. PASSION LOVE..  So we can choose only 3 colours, either pink, red or white. So I choose white. I love white. Hehe. *konon2 nak jadi snow white lah, tapi x jadi pun*^^, My love friend atiqah came with me too. All my group members are not going together. huhu. :'( but it is okay as long as one of them must go together. So I will feel not like strangers among the others.. HAHAHAHA. Kalau tidak pun rasa  segan  and tak de kaki lah nak borak gile2... Btw thanks to my friends yang stay satu meja yang sporting gile. best wey.. Accept one guy ni lah, i didn't like. Hahaha. Sorry babe. lol :P Okay so see you MAK for the next year.. Hope i'm still staying in hostel. Amin :)   

Buah tangan sikit.. hehe :D

love friend TYQA <3

Love friends :)

love roommates <3

Friday 16 May 2014

Teacher's Day :)

Hye you all...

Today is very meaningful day for me.. Because today is TEACHER'S DAY. yeahhh!!! Thank you for everything to all my teachers. Because of you now I'm here. I never give up to achieve my goals in my life.  "Teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and always stands beside the students when they have problems." Thanks for being my teacher. HAPPY TEACHERS DAY. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. To my teacher from TADIKA GERTAK MERAH, SIGS(rendah), SMK SETA, and UNIVERSITY MALAY <3

Thank you..
bye :)

Thursday 8 May 2014

MID TERM Test finish.

Hye you all..

How are you ?? Hope you all okay and happy, coz when you guys happy i will be happy too. yeahhh.. I'm already finish my mid term test, today. Its really hard. But not so hard but a little bit confuse. -,-  *ayat beterabur. haha* Some question I made mistake.. HEHEHE. It is not good okay. I hope for my final examination, i will not make mistake. I want to get the best result. INSYAALLAH :) okay, I need some rest  :P see you soon.

Thank you :)
bye :)