Monday 14 July 2014

New Sem 4

Hye you all


Sorry coz late post new story. A little bit busy lorh. *huhu* New sem make me more stress and ofcs make me feel so tired because still short sem. OMG!! feel like want to die. Okay chill and rileks. HOHO. My result for the last semester Alhamdulillah. Got improvement.. I will try my best for this sem. InsyAllah. 

You know why I feel so stress?? maybe because of this sem I must do my own assignment.. Miss say no group assignment anymore. She say everybody must get prepared to present in front of class an individual.. OMG!! I can't believe it. I didn't know what was going on when I present. Arghhh!! nervous.. Okay chill. someone please help me!! hahaha. okay I hope I will do better. I should get prepared well. Wish me luck you all...

Thank you
bye :)

Saturday 28 June 2014

Ramadan mubarak

Hye you all....

Salam semua... Hari ni, saya mengucapkan  SELAMAT MENYAMBUT BULAN RAMADAN kepada seluruh keluarga saya yang tercinta, sahabat2 yang tersayang dan semua umat islam di dunia. Di bulan yang baik ini marilah kita berdoa supaya kita mendapat rahmat dan hidayah daripada ALLAH s.w.t Amin! Puasa ya semua jangan tak puasa pulak. Time sahur, minum air banyak2 tau. Sekarang ni tengah musim panas. Tapi hari ni first puasa dh hujan dh. ALHAMDULILLAH. *wee*

Di bulan yang mulia ini kita perbanykkan lah kita berdoa kepada ALLAH ye semua. insyaAllah hidup kita akan di berkati. Amin. I baru balik menziarahi kubur arwah atok. semoga arwah di tempatkan dengan orang2 yang beriman. Amin. 

Selamat berpuasa semua...

Thank you :)
bye :)

Thursday 5 June 2014


Hye you all...

Yeahh... It is time for me, to spend my holiday in my hometown. Ouh, I'm really miss my hometown. Johor bahru. It is such a peaceful town.*sikit lah, kdg2 sama gak. lolz* Not too busy like Kl. Sometimes it can make us feel so stress and headache. Seriously, I got a lot of things to do. Especially I want to spend time with my mama and ayah, but at the same time with all my family. I wanna go jalan2..  I want to drive by myself. I want, I want, I want. HAHAHAHA. *x tahan dah* Hai maklumlah dh penat sangat otak ni stay kat UM kan. asyik belajar, kerja, assignment. So this time memang nak rileks habis. *wee hee* I LOVE IT!!!! But only 1 month jerk cuti. For me it is not enough, but what can I do. I must accepted. Okay lah kan daripada x de. wee hee. So bulan 7 baru start sem baru. So hopefully everything will be okay. Now!!!! the important is HOLIDAY!! wee hoooo.... muahhhh :* 

 Thank you...
bye ..

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Examination for sem3 over :)

Hye you all ....

Alhamdulillah, final examination sem 3 is over.. Fuhhh... I feel so happy. ouh, seriously I feel so stress during examination week. So when it is over, I feel like want to shout and screammmmmm..., HAHAHAHA. I just seat only 2 paper, but for me it is totally hard for me, because got a lot of things that I must read and memories . Sometimes I want to lari dari semua ni. Yess.. Now I know study is not easy. *Sekolah tu lebih senang dari UNI. So if we need something we dreams for future, this what we must go through like perbahasa, "BERSUSAH-SUSAH DAHULU, BESENANG-SENAG KEMUDIAN'' yess!!! I will take note that.  I won't give up. I want to be success like everyone, like my parents, my uncle and aunts. So InsyaAllah my result will be okay. I will try and try until I achieve my own goal in my life . Pray for me. AMIN :)

Thanks you all..

Sunday 18 May 2014

Malam Anugerah Kurshiah :)

Hye you all....

Hello, hello, hello..... kikiki. Tonight is Malam Anugerah Kurshiah.. It's just annual dinner from my college.Seriously, best sangat. because of what you know?? because of i can eat a lot. hahaha. So funny. Okay!!! I enjoy the dinner.. Btw malam ni punye dinner pun ade tema okay.. PASSION LOVE..  So we can choose only 3 colours, either pink, red or white. So I choose white. I love white. Hehe. *konon2 nak jadi snow white lah, tapi x jadi pun*^^, My love friend atiqah came with me too. All my group members are not going together. huhu. :'( but it is okay as long as one of them must go together. So I will feel not like strangers among the others.. HAHAHAHA. Kalau tidak pun rasa  segan  and tak de kaki lah nak borak gile2... Btw thanks to my friends yang stay satu meja yang sporting gile. best wey.. Accept one guy ni lah, i didn't like. Hahaha. Sorry babe. lol :P Okay so see you MAK for the next year.. Hope i'm still staying in hostel. Amin :)   

Buah tangan sikit.. hehe :D

love friend TYQA <3

Love friends :)

love roommates <3

Friday 16 May 2014

Teacher's Day :)

Hye you all...

Today is very meaningful day for me.. Because today is TEACHER'S DAY. yeahhh!!! Thank you for everything to all my teachers. Because of you now I'm here. I never give up to achieve my goals in my life.  "Teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and always stands beside the students when they have problems." Thanks for being my teacher. HAPPY TEACHERS DAY. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. To my teacher from TADIKA GERTAK MERAH, SIGS(rendah), SMK SETA, and UNIVERSITY MALAY <3

Thank you..
bye :)

Thursday 8 May 2014

MID TERM Test finish.

Hye you all..

How are you ?? Hope you all okay and happy, coz when you guys happy i will be happy too. yeahhh.. I'm already finish my mid term test, today. Its really hard. But not so hard but a little bit confuse. -,-  *ayat beterabur. haha* Some question I made mistake.. HEHEHE. It is not good okay. I hope for my final examination, i will not make mistake. I want to get the best result. INSYAALLAH :) okay, I need some rest  :P see you soon.

Thank you :)
bye :)

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Tanjung Malim

Hye semua...

Hari tu masa tak balik Jay Bee.. Ape lagi ke Tnjung Malim lah kita. Ye lah kan, bila lagi nak pegi tempat Atiqah, kawan I sorang ni. Hee. Best tau.. Kat sini sunyi jerk. Tak jem langsung. Rileks jerk. Best lah.. sebab serius Peace Mind sangat2.. Wee hee :D Kat sini bile waktu malam sejuk sangat. suke suke. Thanks  to my baby tyqa coz bawak kyra jalan2.. Thanks to yor family too tyqa. Nnt kyra datang lagi k. muahhhh :*

Tyqa bawak ronda2 Tanjung Malim :)

Nk kenal kan ni NIEE CHEE rabbit Tyqa :)

Thank You you all :)
bye :*

Thursday 17 April 2014

keep strong :')

hye you all..

 This is me. I'm always pretend like nothing happen in front of people. *I love to be happy* Only a certain friends are know about my feelings and problems. I can't stand alone. I'm not strong enough. But when my mom giving  a positive words towards me. I'll try to be strong until now because of my parents always support me and my true friends never make me feel so sad. That's why I LOVE THEM SO MUCH <3

Thank you :)
bye :)

Tak faham :'(

Hye you all..

Tak faham kan kadang2 manusia ni.. Kita buat baik salah, Jahat dah tentu salah. Berdiam salah. Bercakap salah. Semua benda salah kan. Kawan ngn org ni cakap macam2 pasal kita. Kawan ngan orang ni cakap jugak. Kita sekali2 ckp ngn dia tapi tiba2 judge kita like macam you know me 10 years ago. Tibe2 dengan sendirinya tak suka..  hurmmm.. Sebenarya apa yang diorg nak ni? I tak faham lah. I tak penah ganggu pasal orang lain. I always think positive kat orang. Kenapa orang yang cakap2 ni semua FAKE in front of me. why ? why ? why? *crying* I'm really don't understand. Okay I should be strong and always keep praying to ALLAH. 

:'( :'( :'(

Sunday 13 April 2014

Tak tau @.@

Hye You All...

Lama x jumpe.. kikiki.*jumpe ker? kakaka* Sorry semua, agak busy sikit lately ni. Hal maklumlah, baru masuk sem3. urghhh :'( Tak tau lah kenapa lately ni rasa macam nak nanges. Mungkin sebab terlampau banyak fikir kot. Mybe lah. *tarik nafas* Rasenye kene chill kan diri ni lebih kot supaya dapat hilang kan rasa sayu ni kan yang macam nak nanges ni. lolz. *i try* Okay2, I try2.. I can do it. HAHAHAHA. Okay I nak sleep dulu, esok ade class. Good night :)

Thank you :)
bye :)

Monday 7 April 2014

New Semester :)

Hye You all..

How are you?? Hope you all sihat okay. I'm so sad actually coz sekejap jerk holiday.. This is not affair. *jerit kuat* Okay chill. hehe. Now, I dh start semester 3. wee. My new semester. Alhamdulillah result pun okay. Yang penting x de repeat. *syukur* Semester ni adalah semester yang i feel like i want to die coz this sem x lama. sekejeap jerk... *short sem* hmm.. patutlah. I rase sangat2 rushing. Baru start class tadi, dh dpt assignment for last project. wow!!! *sleep* Okay, hope this sem i will target for my final and do the best. Wish me luck you all. And good luck to all students DIPLOMA in UNIVERSITY MALAYA :)

Thank you 
bye <3 

Thursday 3 April 2014

Good night

Music is love, I love music. I love my life and also I love myself.
GOOD NIGHT everyone <3

Thank you :)
bye :)

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Tarian Kreatif

Hye semua....

Jeng jeng... penari tarian kreatif kk3.. Tapi x cukup orang sangat2.. Ade yang x de. Semua tengah busy ambik gambar. hehe. *termasuklah saya* Tarian kreatif jugak agak mencabar ye, sampai terbaring, duduk, lompat and mcm2 lah. Mase latihan hari tu sampai nak muntah sbb terlampau pening sangat. Fikir2 balik kelakar pun ada jugak. But finally, habis jugak dua2 tarian ni. Yeahhh *happy kid* Rasa lega sangat. Macam biaselah, walaupun x dapat number 1,2,3 tapi kita orang dapat tempat..... ke4.. yeahhh.. Orang cakap ade lah jugakkan daripada tak ade. yesss. Seronok sangat2. Dua2 tarian dapat tempat. Tapi lagi satu jerk nak dapat tempat ke3. Tapi x pe. kita orang try untuk tahun depan. Hope masih di kk3 lah. Kalau tidak hye hye bye bye lah jwbnyer, *sedih* X nak tinggal kan kk3... sayang sayang sayang.. hehe. Walau apa pun, Kite orang dh buat yang terbaik. *alhamdulillah* good job korang.. IMISS YOU :)


Mior, me, abang hazim and tyqa :)

syasya, kak nisa, paan faiz, mior, paan zul, me and tyqa :)

me and kak eyka :)

Thank you you all :)

Tarian Zapin AND Asli

Hye Semua...

Okay, ini lah baju tarian zapin and asli.. Tapi x cukup orang dalam gambar ni. Sorang penari x de. kak nisa keluar dengan family dia, sebab esoknyer birthday kak nisa. Btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAK NISA. hee :D Masing2 dengan pose masing2 yang dh tak tau nak pose macam mane. Haha. Tapi alhamndulillah, walaupun x dapat number 1 tapi kami masih mendapat tempat untuk tarian zapin and asli. (Tempat ke 5) *janji ade you all* Dari x de kan. kikikiki.. Tapi serius tarian yang kita orang bawak ni, teramat lah susah and payah and slow and bermacam2 lagi lah. hew hew. *kesat peluh* Tapi kita orang yang bukan daripada budak seni kebudayaan dapat jugak buat yang terbaik untuk en.Hafzan. Thank you so much. I appreciate it :) 

Thank you you all :)

Tuesday 1 April 2014


Hye semua...

Okay, time ni baru lepas REHERSAL,.. Ya allah, serius talk memang gugup gilezz time ni. Takot you all. *maklumlah first time* hahaha. Serius kelakar. Macam2 kite orang buat time ni. Sorang2 pegi toilet. Tapi ade yang tak lah sebab dh ade pengalama kan. Tapi yang junior macam saya ni rasa tatotttt sangat2.. hehehe :D Ni lah penari2 ZAPIN n ASLI. Yang bagusnye. Sorang bangsa cina join kita orang sekali. susah kan cina nak masuk tradisional melayu punye tarian. But dia boleh. memang respect sangat2. Good Job Puan :) Okay korang semua ape pun Good job. I miss you.. :)

lepaking before start :)

My love <3

Thank you :)

Lama x update, sorry :(

Hye semua... 

So sorry, lama sangat x update. Now dah tahun 2014 dah kan. Sangat2 lama x update.. Banyak sangat kenangan nak cerita. Tapi agak telambat, sebab terlampau busy sangat.. huhu. Sedihnyer. :'( *okay chill baby* But korang sume memang seruis talk. Memang terlampau busy gile dengan FeseniUM lagi. Nak EXAM lagi, Nak study lagi.. perghhh sampai x update.. SO x pe, lepas ni I akan rajin2 kan untuk update my blog k. walaupun dh terlambat tapi nak wish HAPPY NEW YEAR... hehehe :)

Thank you :)